Beautify North Central

Please join us in our campaign to beautify North Central. The N.C. Phoenix Homeowners Association has protected North Central for over 40 years. As a result, the area between 7th St. to 7th Ave., Missouri to Northern, has retained its residential character. North Central is one of the last original neighborhoods with our tree-lined streets, a diversity of architecture, an abundance of historical properties and large estate lots.



Protect, maintain, and enhance
North Central Ave. Street Scape and the Murphy Bridle Path.

Educate users and residents
about the value of the Murphy Bridle Path.

Did you know?

  1. North Central Avenue, from Missouri to Northern is historically designated? This historical protective overlay includes the street, the irrigation lateral, the Bridle Path, the ash trees and the olive trees, many of which are over 120 years old.

  2. The existing olive trees along Central Avenue are worth millions of dollars? For every dollar spent on an olive tree, the tree gives $2.50 back to the environment, reducing our carbon footprint.

  3. In 1977 the City Council passed Resolution 14895 stating the Bridle Path shall not be paved over with concrete or asphalt for driveways to residence?

  4. According the City of Phoenix Ordinance 27-12, all animal owners and custodians must immediately clean up and properly dispose of wastes left by their animals on any public street, alley, gutter, sidewalk, right-of-way or park? Fines for violation can range from $100 to $2500. Several years ago an industrious Eagle Scout placed the Doggy Bag Stations along the Bridle Path as a way to encourage those with pets to make sure they remove their dog’s waste from this public park. Unfortunately the City of Phoenix, due to budget cuts, stopped refilling those stations years ago.

How To Help

Replace Ash Trees

Replace the ash trees that are missing within the City’s Right of Way. The City of Phoenix has slashed their budgets for public parks — yes, the Murphy Bridle Path is the only linear park in the state of Arizona and maintained by Parks and Recreation  and as a result, they are only able to replace a few trees each year.

The City of Phoenix will purchase, plant, and maintain a 24” box ash tree for $350.00.

When making your donation, please indicate in the PayPal text box that it is for ash trees.

You may also mail a check, payable to:

24 W. Camelback Rd. #A560
Phoenix, AZ 85013-1520.

Replace Olive Trees

We have asked Whitfill Nursery on Glendale Avenue (602-944-8479) to give residents living on No. Central Avenue a discount to purchase a non-fruit bearing olive tree. Ask for Janis at Whitfill Nursery and support local businesses.

Since the olive trees are on private property, encourage those residents to consider re-planting olive trees that have been removed.

* Only non-fruit bearing olive trees are permitted

Protect the Bridal Path

Please check your property’s entrance. If someone has paved over all or a portion of the path, or if your entrance is in disrepair, please consider removing the asphalt, concrete, pavers, etc. and replace it with the allowed ¼ minus granite. If you are unclear about what constitutes the section of the Bridle Path that should be granite, please feel free to contact the NCPHA.

Pick Up Pet Waste

Make sure you remove dog waste from highly used areas and encourage your neighbors to do so as well.

Try to get sponsors (residents or businesses) to be responsible for purchasing the bags and filling the pet stations. NCPHA is researching costs to purchase bags.

Place Signs Properly

Educate real estate agents/property owners on the proper placement of real estate signs. The City of Phoenix owns the land on either side of Central Avenue up to the property lines. No business signs should be located within the area as this contributes to safety hazards such as obstructing visibility triangles for vehicles; blocking pathways for pedestrians going to and from bus stops; creating obstacles for bicyclists and physically challenged individuals.

If you are a real estate agent or you are selling your home, please make sure the For Sale sign is located on your property and not in the City’s ROW. We are working closely with Neighborhood Services to educate real estate agents and others on proper sign placement.