Neighborhood Support

Illegally Posted Signs: (602) 534-7100

Alley Repair: (602) 262-6441

Barking Dogs: (602) 262-6466

Property Maintenance Violations: (602) 262-7844

Traffic Complaints: 602-534-SPEED (77333)

CrimeStop: (602) 262-6151

Gang Hotline: (602) 534-4264

Graffiti Busters:
(602) 495-7014

Graffiti/Crime In Progress: 911


Alley Abandonment | City of Phoenix Bulk Trash Collection Schedule

Elected Officials

Phoenix Councilman (District 6)

 Sal DiCiccio
(602) 262-7491

City of Phoenix Mayor (Interim)

Thelda Williams
(602) 262-7444

Neighborhood Schools

Public Transportation

Valley Metro
Light Rail, Bus Routes, & Schedules

City of Phoenix Government Links


General Information: 602-262-6011

Keep It Clean!: 602-534-4444

Neighborhood Association List: 602-495-0113

Neighborhood Economic Development: 602-495-5249

Preservation Division: 602-262-7844

Revitalization Division: 602-262-4808


Zoning Administration

If you are unable to attend a Zoning Administration hearing, but want to provide input, you can mail, fax, or email the letter to the Zoning Administration. Please include the ZA case number in the correspondence.

Planning Department, Zoning Administrator City of Phoenix
200 W. Washington St. 2nd Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Donna Behm, Zoning Administrator